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June 2016

Security Best Practices for Cellphone Users - Part 1

There is no doubt that technology brings with it many advantages. However, there are also attendant risks which need to be carefully managed, to ensure that all its advantages can be enjoyed with the risks minimised as far as possible. Nowhere is this, perhaps, more important than in the case of mobile phones, where data can be accessed and compromised with relative ease.

Risk Management

We have seen many organisations implement an Enterprise-wide Risk Management Process during the last few years.  Yet very few have derived any practical value from this process.   The most common reasons why most ERM processes effectively fail during the first year, are discussed below.

Key Issues When Acquiring an Energy and Mining Company - Part One

​Acquiring a business can be a complex, resource-intensive and time-consuming process, yet attaining the right business can generate substantial value. We have highlighted some key issues that should be taken into account when acquiring an energy and mining company. In part one of our three-part series, we consider the first five:

Efforts to Expand Tax Base Bearing Fruit

The recent crackdown on the cash and carry sector in the South African economy seems to be bearing fruit.   The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has raised assessments worth R600 million in the past financial year, following on-site inspections and audits of non-compliant businesses.