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February 2024

The Hidden Health Hazards of Job Transitions: How Starting a New Job Can Take a Toll on Your Wellbeing

This article explores the relationship between stress, immune function, and health during the transition period of starting a new job.

Navigating Logistics Challenges in Africa: A Holistic Perspective

In a global landscape marked by continual evolution, the logistics sector in Africa plays a pivotal role amidst distinctive challenges and growth prospects. Join Stan Whiting as he delves into the intricacies of logistics in Africa, addressing the imperative for strategic insights, the hurdles faced, and the promising opportunities for businesses in this dynamic landscape.

How an Internal Audit Adds Significant Value to King IV Compliance

King IV Compliance is more than a check-box exercise, but the key to earning trust and credibility that contributes incalculably to brand equity. A surefire way to achieve the transparency, accountability, and ethical behaviour aspirations that King IV motivates organisations towards is through internal audits.   Here is how and why internal auditing underpins value realisation from King IV Compliance.