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Americo Carneiro CA(SA) RA

Americo Carneiro CA(SA) RA


Americo is a highly experienced and qualified audit partner with over 15 years of experience in audit, tax, and related fields. He has overseen and worked on audits of JSE listed companies, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), multinational groups, and private organisations. Americo has extensive knowledge of many industries and has worked with and assisted clients in the real estate, construction, mining, manufacturing, retail, ICT, sports, leisure, and financial sectors.

As a member of the Moore Global Real Estate and Construction "REC" steering committee, Americo is an expert in the real estate and construction industry. He also heads the REC sector within the audit practice, demonstrating his dedication and passion for this area of expertise.


  • Audit and assurance
  • Taxation - business
  • Taxation - sales and use (other indirect)


  • Energy, Mining and Renewables
  • Hotels and Leisure
  • Manufacturing and Distribution
  • Real Estate and Construction
  • Retail