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Johan Pretorius

Johan Pretorius


Johan Pretorius qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1978 and has been partner/director in public practice for 31 years. He joined the East London branch of Hoek Wiehahn & Cross after completing his trainee contract in the Pretoria office. Through mergers during the 80’s and 90’s he was managing partner of Price WaterHouse’s offices in the East London region. Past chairman of the Border Kei Regional Association of Chartered Accountants. Clients include manufacturing, wholesale, retail, professional services, life assurance and agricultural industries. Special interest in business counsulting and tax services.


  • Accounting
  • Business consultancy
  • Governance, risk and internal audit
  • Outsourcing


  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing and Distribution
  • Professional Firms
  • Retail