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My Will and Estate Planning

Olivier Barbeau

We never like talking about death and taxes, but ensuring that you have a valid and current will can alleviate further hardship for the loved ones whom you leave behind. In this way, some unintended consequences are avoided, not to mention the unnecessary hardship for surviving family members during an already difficult time. 
Have you considered the following points and the impact they may have on your will?




My will takes all recent changes in legislation into account



My personal circumstances have changed (married, divorced)



All my children (grandchildren)  are included in the will and I have made the necessary provisions if they are minors



I have appointed an executor in my will who is competent and experienced



My will is clear about how I want my estate distributed



I have made a significant acquisition or disposal of an asset recently



I have considered how much estate duty will be payable and  I  have the necessary funds to settle this debt without having to sell off strategic assets



I have appointed a guardian for my minor children



Estate planning can be complex and requires an in-depth understanding of income tax, estate duties, and personal and business-related legislative frameworks. Our team of experts can advise and guide you in making decisions and setting up structures to ensure that your wealth can grow and is protected. Wills for you and your family are an essential part of Your Estate. They are more than legal documents. They protect your legacy. They define how you wish to leave your estate and assets and assist your family and dependants with carrying out your wishes.