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Monte Carlo Simulations and How They Work

The Monte Carlo Method was invented in the 1940’s by John von Neumann and Stanislaw Ulam during World War II to improve decision making under uncertain conditions. It was named after a well-known casino town, called Monaco, since the element of chance is core to the modeling approach, similar to a game of roulette. In this article, Dr. Steven Firer and Brandon Thompson explore the practical application of the Monte Carlo Simulation and how it is applicable to the valuing of options.

Should Your Business Say “Yes” To YES?

Should your business say “yes” to YES? Let us help you with your decision. This four-part series provides comprehensive clarity on the requirements for eligibility, registration, targets, scoring and results of the Y.E.S programme. Jesse Cloete covers everything you want to know about The Youth Empowerment Service Programme, in part one of four articles.

Limitations of Debt to EBITDA and Interest Coverage Ratio

Corporate debt is an important aspect of the financial world, with businesses often taking on debt in order to finance their operations and growth strategies. However, too much debt can be a burden on a company's finances, potentially leading to financial distress and even bankruptcy. Metrics such as debt to EBITDA and interest coverage ratios are closely monitored by investors and analysts alike as a method of determining the debt carrying capacity of a company. These metrics have significant limitations however, which need to be taken into account. In the first article of this series, Nick Job elaborates on various aspects of the debt and treasury advisory business.

Provisional Tax Time

For all individuals, trusts and the majority of companies in South Africa, the second provisional tax return is due at the end of February. Here are some basic principles to bear in mind when attending to your provisional tax return for this period.

The Motivations and Pressures Behind Fraudulent Acts

In following from Part 1 – An Introduction to the Fraud Triangle, Part 2 of the series aims to analyse one of the factors that constitutes the fraud triangle i.e., motivation/pressure. Perpetrators rationalise various motivations/pressures prior the commission of fraud1. These motivations could either be external influences, i.e., environmental ‘push’ factors, or internal impulses, or a combination of both, that stem from the perpetrator’s psychological makeup. Please refer here for Part 1 of the series.

Your Year End Checklist 2022

This has been a year like no other, but it’s not over yet. With a few more days left of 2022 there are still a few things you need to attend to before you can put your feet up and take a well-deserved break. Here are six smart things you should be looking at right now that will give you peace of mind and put you on the right track for next year.

CPD Campus Supports The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign

Friday 25 November 2022 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (and children). This date kicks off the important annual 16-day international campaign to try and end violence against women and children and concludes on Saturday 10 December 2022.   Pondering the above paragraph, one may have difficulty with the absurdity of dedicating a mere 16 days to the purpose of ending violence against women and children, a campaign which ends on a specific date. What about the other 349 days? But perhaps it is a start…

Not A Credit Facility: Can You Charge Interest on Overdue Accounts

Many people get confused with this topic, as there are no clear-cut laws that govern non-credit facilities and their juridical status when it comes to charging interest on overdue accounts. The law does, however, make room for occasions when debtors fail to pay their debt in a timely manner. Megan Lilley elaborates further.

Ways To Avoid Burnout and Improve Employee Wellbeing

It’s no secret that the workplace can be a breeding ground for burnout. With long hours, demanding deadlines, economic downturn, cost of living and little room for error, it’s no wonder that so many people end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Megan Veldman, HR Manager at Moore Johannesburg explores a few things you can do as an employer to prevent burnout and improve employee well-being. From creating a positive work environment to offering flexible work options, there are many ways to help your employees avoid burnout.

Credit Searches: Why They Are Done and What Purposes They Serve

If you’ve ever wanted to rent a house, get a loan from the bank, or open a new clothing account, then you know that most of these institutions will want to run a ‘credit search’ on you. This means that the bank or clothing company, for example, will analyse the historical data surrounding your payment behaviour, from anywhere between two to five years. The goal is to try and gain some insight into whether or not you make timely payments on all of your accounts, as well as how often and how much you pay out every month.