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October 2021

Mentally Aware, Mentally Prepare

At Moore, we care deeply for our peers and unfortunately people suffering from a mental health disorder do not disclose this for fear of being discriminated against in general and especially in the workplace. There is very little education around this subject due to the various mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse and job stress. Statistics show that many people have experienced  job stress or anxiety which can lead to a downward spiral should they not be caught and managed as soon as possible.

Diversity In the Boardroom

The need for greater diversity in the boardroom has never been greater than now, not because it is a hot topic, but rather for the sake of the relationship between the workforce and positive business performance. Jacqueline Cousins elaborates.

The Status of South African Real Estate and Construction

The southernmost state in Africa has been ‘yo-yo-ing’ between myriads of amended lockdown levels which has not only kept the economy in limbo, but our sanity too. We have all, to some extent, felt the impact of “covid fatigue” and the real estate and construction sector is no exception.

Protecting Your Excluded Assets Throughout Your Marriage (And in The Case of Divorce)

In our previous article we discussed the benefits of an antenuptial contract. In this article we delve deeper into the concept of excluded assets and how to keep them excluded throughout your marriage and in the case of divorce.

The Impossible Task of The Non-Executive Director

It has become the norm for most companies, even those not under some sort of regulatory obligation, to appoint non-executive directors. Indeed, most appoint a majority within the board. The notion of a non-executive director is brilliant - a provider of objective and wise mentoring from a strategic perspective, gently assisting in steering the boat in the right direction. Louw van der Merwe takes a closer look.  

Are We Still Being “COVID-Ethical”?

October is global ethics month, with Global Ethics Day being held on 20 October 2021. It is, therefore, a good time to focus on personal and business ethics and how ethically each of us is behaving through the pandemic. Being ethical means different things to different people, to me it means acting in the best interests of the most people, without harming yourself or others in the process.