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November 2024

Get Your Financial House in Order These Holidays

As 2024 draws to a close, we are reminded of a year that has truly been a roller-coaster for all South Africans. Amidst the challenges of load shedding and the jubilation of the Springboks' triumphant return as world champions, we look forward to a well-deserved break. As we recharge and set our sights on a hopeful 2025, it is crucial to take a moment for one last task this year: a financial health check.

Sustainable Agriculture: A Cornerstone of South Africa's Future

Sustainable agriculture practices are gaining traction as a crucial strategy for ensuring the long-term viability of the sector. The World Commission on Environment and Development's (WCED) definition of 'sustainable development' is "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their own needs".

Strengthening Your Cyber Defences

As cyber-attacks become more sophisticated, the need for comprehensive cybersecurity strategies is more pressing than ever. This article summarizes the common cyber risks, how the attack works and essential steps for transforming weaknesses into strengths.

SARS Interpretation Note 15: SARS Updates Guidance on the Exercise of Discretion to Extend the Period to Lodge an Objection or Appeal

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has issued Interpretation Note 15 (issue 6) on 30 August 2024. Alison Gounden unpacks in detail.