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December 2020

Alibaba Singles Day Shopping Event Breaks Past Sales Records

Alibaba’s annual online Singles Day (also called Double 11) shopping event, which usually takes place on 11/11, was this year extended to around two weeks. The event nearly doubled 2019’s record sales as China’s economy, unlike EU and Western economies, continued to recover from the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What Should Audit Committees Be Thinking About at This Time

Audit committees have a critical role in assisting the Board in overseeing and monitoring an organisation’s principles and processes by which financials are recorded and disseminated, the hiring and monitoring of external auditors, ensuring regulatory compliance, assessing a company's internal financial controls, and reviewing risks with the senior management team. This role may also reach beyond financial performance monitoring to include a broader scope of the organisation's risk and control environment that includes operational processes and new technologies.

Selling Your Business Part 4 - Minimising Tax

Be sure to keep SARS happy but take advantage of generous concessions and planning opportunities by thinking ahead.