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HomeNews & Views

All news by: Olivier Barbeau

Get Your Financial House in Order These Holidays

As 2024 draws to a close, we are reminded of a year that has truly been a roller-coaster for all South Africans. Amidst the challenges of load shedding and the jubilation of the Springboks' triumphant return as world champions, we look forward to a well-deserved break. As we recharge and set our sights on a hopeful 2025, it is crucial to take a moment for one last task this year: a financial health check.

Navigating Succession Planning: A Comprehensive Guide to Ensuring Your Business Thrives Across Generations

Succession planning remains an often overlooked yet critical element of business sustainability. Whether you're leading a family business or an owner-managed firm, you can't afford to leave succession to chance. As your trusted advisor, we're committed to helping you thrive in a changing world. This comprehensive guide aims to empower you with actionable steps and cautionary tales to navigate this complex process effectively.

Time For a Change: Rethinking the Audit Public Interest Score

In the world of business, where change is the only constant, "Helping you thrive in a changing world" is more than just a tagline at Moore South Africa; it's our mission. As part of our commitment to supporting your success, we believe it is time to address a critical issue affecting a significant portion of our clients: the need to reassess the Public Interest Score (PI) in South Africa.

Your Year End Checklist 2022

This has been a year like no other, but it’s not over yet. With a few more days left of 2022 there are still a few things you need to attend to before you can put your feet up and take a well-deserved break. Here are six smart things you should be looking at right now that will give you peace of mind and put you on the right track for next year.

Get Your Financial House in Order these Holidays

The holiday season is almost upon us, and it's an excellent time to get your financial house in order. Olivier Barbeau, Managing Partner at Moore Johannesburg, suggests that a pre-holiday financial to-do list should a top priority for anyone looking to kick off the new decade with some peace of mind. Most of these tasks can be accomplished quickly, but the benefits can last a lifetime.

A Season for Everything

Spring traditionally brings with it the promise of hope and renewal – things in short supply in South Africa at present. Olivier Barbeau, Managing Partner of Moore Johannesburg, looks at the challenges facing our nation and notes that now, more than ever, businesses need ethical leadership, rock solid advisors and the will to stand and be counted.

Holiday Housekeeping

The holiday season is almost upon us, and it's an excellent time to get your financial house in order. Olivier Barbeau, Managing Partner at Moore Stephens Johannesburg, shares 6 smart planning tasks that will give you peace of mind.

Is Your House in Order? Your Holiday Checklist

The holiday season is almost upon us, and it's an excellent time to get your financial house in order. One of the keys to stress-free living in the holiday season is to make a financial checklist, suggests Olivier Barbeau, Managing Partner at Moore Stephens Johannesburg. While all the festive detail is being sorted, serious financial elements can go adrift and target dates missed. A pre-holiday financial to-do list is a top priority, or should be, for many of us. Most of these tasks can be accomplished quickly, but the benefits can last a lifetime.

My Will and Estate Planning

We never like talking about death and taxes, but ensuring that you have a valid and current will can alleviate further hardship for the loved ones whom you leave behind. In this way, some unintended consequences are avoided, not to mention the unnecessary hardship for surviving family members during an already difficult time. 

Moore Stephens Mining Team at The Mining Indaba Cape Town 8 - 11 February 2016

We recognise the many challenges faced by businesses focused on the mining of coal, gold, iron ore and other natural resources.

Fluctuating commodity prices and currency values add greater complexity to the process of planning future operations. Persistently rising operating costs, not least through wage inflation in many regions, have increased pressure on margins and the need for efficiencies. Meanwhile, predicting demand has become more difficult with the slowdown in manufacturing growth in China, on the one hand, and continued growth of other developing nations on the other. 


The holiday season is almost upon us, and with it an excellent opportunity to get your financial house in order. One of the keys to stress-free living in the holiday season is to make a financial checklist, suggests Managing Partner, Olivier Barbeau.
While all the festive detail is being sorted, serious financial stuff can go adrift and target dates missed. A pre-holiday financial to-do list is a top priority, or should be, for many of us. Most of these tasks can be accomplished quickly, but the benefits can last a lifetime.


Trusts remain a valuable part of most long-term wealth management solutions. The estate planning opportunities and protection from creditors that they offer remain a compelling proposition for most clients.
During 2014, SARS overhauled the Trust Tax return. This is a clear indication of its intention to scrutinise trust affairs more closely.  We have embarked on a new project to assist you in proactively managing your trusts’ affairs with regard to administration, compliance and taxation. 


The holiday season is almost upon us, and with it an excellent opportunity to get your financial house in order. One of the keys to stress-free living in the holiday season is to make a financial checklist, suggests Olivier Barbeau, senior managing partner for audit and advisory firm, Moore Stephens South Africa.