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August 2022

The Impact of Covid-19 on South Africa’s Remote Work Landscape

One doesn’t have to look far to see the significant impact of Covid-19 on South Africa’s economy. The pandemic has also left a mark on our work landscape as companies grapple with mask, vaccine, and remote work mandates.   Businesses countrywide are eager to return to “normal”, but does that have to mean the end of remote work? Ettiene Rossouw discusses in depth.

Enabling SME Business Success with Accounting Automation

SMEs face many struggles that larger enterprises just don’t have. Janeska Wolvaardt walks us through an elegantly simple way to achieve business success.

Increasing Company Valuation Through ESG

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is making headlines globally, from record investments to accusations of greenwashing. We are seeing our National Treasury, stock exchanges and rating agencies placing greater emphasis on ESG. This begs the question, does ESG impact valuations and M&A transactions in South Africa, and to what extent? Leonard Roberts discusses a few factors to consider with regard to valuations, M&A and succession planning strategies.