Private members' clubs
Private members' clubs have a vast array of challenges from generating extra income, through to maintaining membership numbers. Our specialist team offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the needs of your organisation. Below are just a few of the areas where we could assist you.
Governance, risk & assurance
We offer a range of services designed to support your organisation in maintaining robust governance and assurance frameworks. We understand that the club committee is not involved in the day-to-day management of its club, and therefore needs to have the confidence that its systems are appropriately robust and that its auditors are thorough.
Tax & VAT
Most private members' clubs benefit from a corporate tax regime that permits income, other than investment income and profits derived from trading with non-members, to be non-taxable. A significant proportion of subscription income can be zero-rated or exempt from VAT, due to the provision of library or sports facilities. While beneficial, this can restrict the recovery of input tax. Our team understands the complexities pertaining to both corporate tax and VAT, and provides advice assisting clubs to minimise their tax 'loss'.
Fraud & corruption
Fraud is also becoming more prevalent globally, and the club sector is particularly prone to this risk. We can help you put effective policies and strategies in place, to help mitigate the risk and advise on how your club could prevent fraud, such as undertaking regular stock takes, monitoring gross margins, controlling electronic payments and ensuring an effective whistleblowing arrangement is in place.